Schweizer, K., Gorrie, L., Jones, M., Moon, H. (2024). Panel: Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse People with Eating Disorders [oral presentation]. Health in Difference Conference, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Austin, F., Wilkinson, K., Wright, K., Jackson, B., Strauss, P., Bickendorf, X., Lin, A., Furzer, B. (2023). Eating disorder symptoms and compulsive exercise in trans and gender diverse adults [oral presentation]. Society for Mental Health Research Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Kim, M., Aouad, P., Vatter, S., Miskovic-Wheatley, J. (2023). The IncludED Study: Exploring diverse eating and body image within the LGBTQIA+ community: Preliminary results [oral presentation]. Society for Mental Health Research Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Kim, M., Aouad, P., Vatter, S., Miskovic-Wheatley, J. (2023). Exploring trans and gender diverse people’s disordered eating and body image: Preliminary results of the LGBTQIA+ [oral presentation]. AusPATH Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Austin, A., Lin, A., Jackson, B., Wright, K., Strauss, P., Bickendorf, X., Luke, J., Furzer, B. (2023). Qualitative experience of eating and exercise behaviours in trans and gender diverse adults [poster presentation]. AusPATH Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Schweizer, K., Austin, A., Wright, K., Lin, A., Jackson, B., Bickendorf, X., Strauss, P., Gurevich, H., Granger, C., Luke, J., Furzer, B. (2023). Exercise Behaviours and Experiences of Trans and Gender Diverse Individuals: A Comprehensive Review [poster presentation]. AusPATH Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Miskovic-Wheatley, J., Schweizer, K., Kim, M., Aouad, P., Vatter, S. (2023). The IncludED study – Exploring diverse eating and body image within the LGBTQIA+ community: preliminary results [oral presentation]. ANZAED Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Austin, F., Quick, B. (2023). Exercise and trans and gender diverse young people [oral presentation]. YACWA Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Manifold, C. (2023). Affirmative and holistic model for working with young people in crisis [oral presentation]. YACWA Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Munro, C. (2022). ‘Didn’t Cut the Mustard’: Trans People’s Employment Experiences [oral presentation]. Pride in Practice Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Winter, S. (2022). Experiences of Australian Trans and Gender Diverse People Presumed Female at Birth Living with Eating Disorders [oral presentation]. Emerging Trans Researchers Conference.
Schweizer, K., Winter, S. (2022). Experiences of Australian Trans and Gender Diverse People Presumed Female at Birth Living with Eating Disorders [oral presentation]. WA Mental Health Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Smith, V., Rosenberg, S., Van Hale, L., Schweizer, K., Duck-Chong, L., Page, J. (2019). Panel: Stories from the trenches: Meaningful involvement of trans and gender diverse communities in the HIV response [Oral presentation]. Australasian Sexual Health Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Thistle, S., Schweizer, K. (2019). Panel: Young people’s sexual health: Findings from the 6th National Survey of Secondary Students and Adolescents Sexual Health [Oral presentation]. Australasian Sexual Health Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K. (2019). 1 in 2: Our LGBTIQA+ youth homelessness crisis [Oral presentation]. National Homelessness Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Schweizer, K. (2019). Housing marginalisation: LGBTIQA+ and youth issues [Oral presentation]. WA Tenancy Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Graham-Geraghty, L. (2019). The Gender Identity Burger: A youth peer education approach to diverse gender and sexuality [Oral presentation]. WA Women’s Health Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K. (2018). 1 in 2: Our LGBTIQA+ youth homelessness crisis [Oral presentation]. National Homelessness Conference, Darwin, NT, Australia.
Schweizer, K. (2018). Comorbidity of gender dysphoria and disordered eating [Oral presentation]. National Health in Difference Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Schweizer, K. (2018). LGBTIQA+ youth homelessness [Oral presentation]. WA Council of Social Services Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K. (2018). One step forward, two steps back: Trans representation in contemporary western media [Oral presentation]. National Ally Conference, Perth, WA, Australia.
Schweizer, K., Tagaro, A. (2018). The Gender Identity Burger: A youth peer education approach to diverse gender and sexuality [Oral presentation]. WA Education Forum, Perth, WA, Australia.